Determinants of Knowledge and Practice of Infection Prevention and Control among Healthcare Workers during COVID-19 Outbreak in Nigeria

Aim: This study aimed to identify factors affecting knowledge
and practice of infection prevention and control (IPC) among healthcare workers
(HCW) during COVID-19 outbreak in Nigeria.
Method: An online sample of 402 Nigerian HCW was recruited
in April, 2020 via their social media closed user group chats. Data was collected online using questionnaire that
was adapted from the study by Melaku et al. Data analysis was done with computer software
IBM SPSS version 20.0.
Results: Three hundred and thirty-one (82.3%) had
good knowledge of IPC while only 230 (57.2%) had good practice of IPC. Age group (p<0.001), profession (p=0.005),
type of health facility (p=0.014) and IPC training (p<0.001) were significantly
associated with the knowledge of IPC while sex (p=0.005), profession (p=0.009),
type of health facility (p<0.001), IPC training (p<0.001) and availability
of water in health facility (p=0.014) were significantly associated with the practice
among the HCW. After multiple logistic regression analysis, age group, type of health
facility and IPC training remain significant predictors of knowledge while sex, type of health
facility, IPC training and availability of water in the health facility remain significant predictors of practice of
IPC among HCW.
Conclusion: Secondary to these findings, regular IPC
training of HCW and making sure water is always available at health facilities was
suggested. This study also recommends that special considerations should be given
to males, older and primary health facilities HCW in order to improve their knowledge
and practice of IPC which is important in limiting infections among them.
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